Tuesday, 12 May 2020



ANZAC day is something we do every year on the 25th of April. We remember the people who served and died in the war. This year we were in lockdown so I couldn't go with my Dad to the dawn service like I have done before. This time I got me and my brother's clothes out the night before. We had some proper army helmets from my Grandad's house. 

I got up really early with my Dad and went out on the street with some neighbours and listened to the radio.

I wore my Mum's grandfather's medals. His name was Donald Grant. He fought in the Pacific. 

I did lots of research about the war. When I was at my grandparents place, I played a war game using mini soldiers.

ANZAC day is important because we need to remember people who served and died in the war. It is important because they made sure we were safe and free. 

Monday, 11 May 2020



I have loved being in lockdown because I do not have to go to school. I also like it because I got to watch lots of TV and learn about what I want, like farm animals and butterflies.

Some of the fun things I have done are:

I made sushi with my Mum. I also painted eggs for Easter. In this picture I am showing where my fish is as well as the sushi I made and egg I painted. 

I lost a tooth.

I have two brothers at home with me. Lucas who is 6 and Theo who is 3. I got to play games with them.

When I was at my Grandma's house there were three fantails on her washing line. Two of them went away and one accidentally flew into the house. I had to calm it down, catch it and put it out the window.

When I was staying at my Grandma's house I found an injured monarch butterfly. I brought it home and made a home for it. It died after 10 days and I buried it. I want to get a butterfly house now.

I went on lots of bike rides with my dad and brothers. We sometimes played soccer and rugby. One day we found a treehouse near mangroves and we went exploring. I got lots of mud on me.


I have really liked being at home during the lockdown. I have loved playing, exploring and doing what I want. I am not looking forward to going back to school. Being on lockdown has been fun. 

Monday, 4 May 2020

GEO art

Geo Art

My Reflection
I was able to make a monster out of paper. I found it hard because the hair was really sticky putting it on.

Self Portrait

My Self Portrait

My Reflection

I enjoyed doing my self portrait because now I know what I look like in a drawing.
I found it easy because I am a good at drawing.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Korowai and Pepeha

Korowai and Pepeha

My Reflection

I did a korowai and pepeha I loved thinking about were I live and showing it in my art work.
My next step is to have more ideas next time.
I found this easy because I am a good artist.