I have loved being in lockdown because I do not have to go to school. I also like it because I got to watch lots of TV and learn about what I want, like farm animals and butterflies.
Some of the fun things I have done are:
I made sushi with my Mum. I also painted eggs for Easter. In this picture I am showing where my fish is as well as the sushi I made and egg I painted.
I lost a tooth.
I have two brothers at home with me. Lucas who is 6 and Theo who is 3. I got to play games with them.
When I was at my Grandma's house there were three fantails on her washing line. Two of them went away and one accidentally flew into the house. I had to calm it down, catch it and put it out the window.
When I was staying at my Grandma's house I found an injured monarch butterfly. I brought it home and made a home for it. It died after 10 days and I buried it. I want to get a butterfly house now.
I went on lots of bike rides with my dad and brothers. We sometimes played soccer and rugby. One day we found a treehouse near mangroves and we went exploring. I got lots of mud on me.
I have really liked being at home during the lockdown. I have loved playing, exploring and doing what I want. I am not looking forward to going back to school. Being on lockdown has been fun.