Tuesday 12 May 2020



ANZAC day is something we do every year on the 25th of April. We remember the people who served and died in the war. This year we were in lockdown so I couldn't go with my Dad to the dawn service like I have done before. This time I got me and my brother's clothes out the night before. We had some proper army helmets from my Grandad's house. 

I got up really early with my Dad and went out on the street with some neighbours and listened to the radio.

I wore my Mum's grandfather's medals. His name was Donald Grant. He fought in the Pacific. 

I did lots of research about the war. When I was at my grandparents place, I played a war game using mini soldiers.

ANZAC day is important because we need to remember people who served and died in the war. It is important because they made sure we were safe and free. 

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